Every deal is different and every client is unique. This is why each workshop will be custom built to your needs. Whether the training is 1:1 or a group of people, the program will be customized to meet your objectives and timing. Workshops include a pre-meeting call to better understand your needs, easy to use workbooks for all attendees, and a post workshop follow up call. Based on your needs, we will cover subjects such as:
What you need to know before you reach out to talent
How to make an offer to talent
How to format an agreement
How to properly redline an agreement
At what point should you work with your legal team
Defining the sections of a contract
Business Terms are your Tools
Term: Does it really matter how long you use content for?
Exclusivity: What is a reasonable ask, and how far can you push?
Usages: What does it mean to use the talent, and how can you make the most of the partnership?
Services: How much detail do you need to include vs. leave the ask ambiguous?
Ownership: Does it really matter who owns the content?
Options: Why do I need this now, and how do I negotiate it best?
Glam/Fringe: What OOPs are you ultimately responsible for?
When Third Parties are the Answer
Best practices for working with legal (internal and external)
When should you do the deal yourself vs. working with a professional negotiator/talent buyer
What should you expect from a third party buyer
What to provide a third party buyer
Negotiation Workshops are for you and your team if:
You often find yourself taking time after the contract is negotiated and signed to renegotiate items again
You are (or have) senior leadership that is already overwhelmed with your own work, and taking the time to properly train your entry level team to negotiate agreements will take HOURS you don’t have. They have check lists to follow — but the team needs more than you can provide
You are (your team is) an ace at finding the talent you want to use, but have challenges to close the deal once the offer is made
You aren’t sure when SAG/AFTRA will effect your deal, and have found yourself needing 20-25% more budget to use certain talent than others for the same deal — and you don’t know why
You are the point person that everyone comes to ask talent questions, but you keep getting the same questions over an over again
Your legal team asks you questions about the agreement that you don’t understand, or you don’t have answers to their questions
You are an agency and your legal team, or client, changes deal points after you have negotiated the deal, and this has put the relationship at risk
This site and services promoted are not in place of legal counsel or review of your agreements. Services performed during workshop and coaching sessions are for educational purposes only, and do not constitute legal advice.